
Vladimir . DubovoyVladimir . Dubovoy Vladimir . Dubovoy Professor of department of fundamental mathematics, doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics

Serhii  . FavorovSerhii  . Favorov Serhii . Favorov Professor of department of fundamental mathematics, doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics

Sergey . GefterSergey . Gefter Sergey . Gefter Docent (associate professor) of department of fundamental mathematics, phd in mathematics

Natalia . GiryaNatalia . Girya Natalia . Girya Docent (associate professor) of department of fundamental mathematics, phd in mathematics

Vyacheslav . GordevskyyVyacheslav . Gordevskyy Vyacheslav . Gordevskyy Professor of department of fundamental mathematics, doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics

Oleksii . HukalovOleksii . Hukalov Oleksii . Hukalov Docent (associate professor) of department of fundamental mathematics, phd in mathematics

Irina . IljinskayaIrina . Iljinskaya Irina . Iljinskaya Docent (associate professor) of department of fundamental mathematics, phd in mathematics

Alexander . IljinskyAlexander . Iljinsky Alexander . Iljinsky Docent (associate professor) of department of fundamental mathematics, phd in mathematics

Vladimir M. KadetsVladimir M. Kadets Vladimir M. Kadets Professor of department of fundamental mathematics, doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics

Eugene . KarolinskyEugene . Karolinsky Eugene . Karolinsky Docent (associate professor) of department of fundamental mathematics, phd in mathematics

Lyudmyla . PolyakovaLyudmyla . Polyakova Lyudmyla . Polyakova Phd in mathematics

Alexander V. RezounenkoAlexander V. Rezounenko Alexander V. Rezounenko Docent (associate professor) of department of fundamental mathematics, phd in mathematics

Anna . VishnyakovaAnna . Vishnyakova Anna . Vishnyakova Docent (associate professor) of department of fundamental mathematics, doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics

Schedule for Monday

A.V. Rezounenko
  10:10   11:30  12:00   13:20
V.M. Kadets
  10:10   11:30
V.. Dubovoy
  8:30   9:50  10:10   11:30
O.. Hukalov
  8:30   9:50
V.. Gordevskyy
  10:10   11:30  12:00   13:20
N.. Girya
  8:30   9:50  10:10   11:30
S.. Gefter
  12:00   13:20

Week schedule

Vladimir M. Kadets

Professor of department of fundamental mathematics, doctor of sciences in physics and mathematics

Scopus Author ID: 8327107100

ORCID ID:0000-0002-5606-2679

Education and Degrees

Doctor of Sc. in Math. – Kharkiv, 2014

Habilitated Doctor in Math.–Warsaw, 1993

Ph.D. in Math. – Rostov-on-Don, 1985

M.Sc. in Math. (with Honours) – Kharkiv, 1982

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English, German, Spanish

Professional Career

Full Professor — V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 2014 - 

Associate Professor (Docent) — V N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,  1990 - 2014

Assistant Professor — Kharkiv Institute of Civil Engineering, 1985 - 1990

International Collaboration

Visiting Scientist: Poland (Banach Center) – 1991; Israel (The Weizmann Institute, Technion, Jerusalem University)  – 1991, 1993, 1997; USA (Kent State University, Texas A&M University, Texas University in Austin, University of Missouri-Columbia) – 1993, 1997, Italy (Milano, Palermo) – 1997, 2013; Germany (Free University of Berlin) – 1997, 1999, 2000-2001, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2017; France (Bordeaux) – 1997; Spain (Murcia and Granada) – 2006, 2008, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018; Turkey (Ankara) − 2008, 2009; South Korea – 2016, 2019.

Visiting Professor: Ohio University at Athens – Fall quarter of 1997; University of Missouri-Columbia – Fall semester of 2003.

Scientific Publications

Two monographs, handbook  “A Course in Functional Analysis and Measure Theory” and  more than 100 articles in various journals, most of them in Banach space theory: sequences and series, bases, vector-valued measures and integration, measurable multi-functions and selectors, isomorphic and isometric structures of Banach spaces, operator theory.

Ph. D. students

Olga Vladimirskaya – defended her thesis in 1999 (co-advised with Dirk Werner)

Leonid Tseytlin – defended his thesis in 2000

Yevgen Ivakhno – defended his thesis in 2008

Alexander Leonov – defended his thesis in 2009

Varvara Shepelska – defended her thesis in 2012

Tetiana Ivashina – defended her thesis in 2015

Antonio Pérez Hernández – defended his thesis in 2017 (co-advised with Bernardo Cascales)

Mariia Soloviova – defended her thesis in 2018

Awards & Grants

1989 – Kharkov Mathematical Society Award for Young Scientists

1995 – ISFGrant No K3Z100 (Soros research grant)

1996 – ISSEP Grant No APU061040 (“Soros Associate Professor”)

1999 – Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship.

2005 – The State Award of Ukraine in Science and Technology

Other Activity: I am a member of the Kharkiv Mathematical Society, a reviewer for Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt Math.